Sunday, November 29, 2009

Medical Warnings

For the most part I manage to block out the disclaimers that the drug companies bombard us with at the end of their ads. After telling us how wonderful their drug can make our life, they proceed to rattle off a list of dangers that frequently sound much worse than the condition that they are trying to address.

Nevertheless, this week an ad, (no, I don’t know which drug because I successfully blocked it out), made a statement that left me considering why they didn’t just warn the patient that side effects included being totally screwed. In this case we are all warned that the downside included a sudden and permeant loss of sight and hearing. You have to be honest here, an ad campaign that demonstrated actors playing out each warning sign would be far more entertaining than the real ads.

Now isn’t that special. After begging your doctor to prescribe a drug that you know nothing about other than the actors in the commercial were good looking and deliriously happy, you suddenly find yourself blind and deaf. Let’s assume that you are one of society’s gifted members and you manage to stumble through the house and find a phone. How would know if you dialed the right number? You can’t see the key pad. If by some miracle you get the right number, when the operator at 911 starts asking questions you can’t answer because you can’t hear. The possibilities are endless.

How about this for a warning: Before taking this drug grab your favorite drink in a large container. If you suddenly go blind and deaf it won’t help, but at least you won’t feel so bad about being totally screwed.

Thanks for stopping by - I'll keep my eyes open for more people Squirrel Hunting With Bazookas


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