Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mr. Wrong

Almost all women have stories of the Mr. Wrongs that have that they have unwittingly allowed into their lives, only after facing the reality that their character was dubious from the very beginning and they should have known better. As an observer, it appears that there is belief, (based on no empirical evidence), among many women that most of these men will eventually mature and become Mr. Right for someone. However, as a male member of the species, I regret to acknowledge that some are only capable of being Mr. Wrong.

Still, some are more wrong than others. They aren’t just Mr. Wrong, they are Mr. Really Wrong. Yet, somehow, they continue to convince normally rationale women to go out with them. One of these dates recently took place that made the average Mr. Wrong look like a good catch.

The happy couple went to dinner on their first date shortly after meeting. Personally, I believe that this is an ideal setting for that initial meeting; a safe, public place where you can size up the latest prospect. Are they capable of having a lengthy conversation? Even if so, do they actually have anything interesting to say? Is it all about them? Are they capable of eating in a manner that doesn’t cause you to lose your appetite? Unfortunately, in this case, our young women learned much more.

At the end of dinner Mr. Really Wrong informed her that he had left his wallet in the car and needed to slip out for a minute. I’m not sure how long one sit alone in a restaurant before realizing that your date isn’t returning, but I’m guessing that after about five minutes you come to terms that there probably isn’t going to be a second date.

At this point we know a lot about Mr. Really Wrong. First, you have to be really shallow to slip out on a date without even the courtesy to let your partner know that you don’t see the relationship going anywhere. Second, only a jerk sticks his date with the check. No doubt our young woman was angry and embarrassed, but the nightmare wasn’t over because the last lesson was that Mr. Really Wrong was a felon - she drove to the restaurant. Stepping out to grab his wallet was just an excuse for him to get his hands on the keys and steal her car!

Try explaining that to your friends.

“How was your date?”

“I’m hoping to see him again - in court.”

Is there a life-lesson here? Only if you plan on running background checks on every potential suitor. On second thought, tragically, that’s probably not as ridiculous as it sounds.

Thanks for stopping by - I'll keep my eyes open for more people Squirrel Hunting With Bazookas


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